
"There is a certain majesty in simplicity which is far above all the quaintness of wit". Alexander Pope



Aug 31, 2010

La Calma

" If you can attain repose and calm, believe that you have seized happiness".
(Julie de Lespinasse)

Face one

So, I was ready to get out the door to go in Town to get school supplies for the boys.......when I looked at my Porcelain Plant also called Wax Flower also called something something. Where have I been. I need to slow down and enjoy the day.

Face two


Ciao for now

Aug 27, 2010

Chateau de Fleurs

Studio and Vintage Market Place
Getting Ready

Che Bella Cosa......What a Beautiful Thing

it is

to finally finished an other project that is been taking 4 days and I love the results.

I purchased this file box at Silverado Salvage yard here in Rainbow and is been sitting in the driveway for quite some time. Some projects could be overwhelming and not knowing what to expect in the process of refinishing the piece. I am also one of those that if encounters more then one problem drops everything and moves on.

the tin ceiling is from Silverado too

Love it! It will be really hard to let it go but.......

I also made a sign out of a cabinet door . I am still going with aqua and pink and white. I love spring and summer colors.
Some red is coming too!
you just have to wait a little bit longer.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Buon Fine Settimana
Ciao for now

Aug 25, 2010

I finished my "Bimba Bling"
"Bling Baby"

Last Sunday Lisa Loria taught a Bling Babies class in my workshop. I didn't finished my bimba until today. I love the RED and AQUA. So Happy....Thank you Lisa

Check out Lisa's blog for more class dates.

Ciao for now

Aug 24, 2010

What a HOT White Wednesday!

It didn't stop me from working. I finished few projects and this shelf is one of them. For now I will enjoy it in my hallway.

My walls are getting a make over. The family photos have been on this wall for a while and I love it! So I decided that the opposite wall needs to be the same or quite.

For now I have four frames on this wall and would like four more. I have written our names and don't you think that our four dogs need their own frames too? They actually have their beds under these frames,( a twin bed and a toddler).

Now, don't forget to visit Kathleen's she is the wonderful hostess of White Wednesday.
Ciao for now

Aug 22, 2010

What a fantastic class with Lisa Loria!
Never liked dolls....until now. Every single one came out so different and beautiful.

Aug 20, 2010

I am late, I am late for a very important date!

" To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act" (Anatole France)
I do have a date, actually two dates, very important...this weekend it will be a blast of creativity! Lisa Loria is coming tomorrow to play with solder and Sunday to teach her amazing class of "Bling Babies" in my workshop.

I am cleaning and organizing and I can't seem to get it together. Every time I turn around there is something delicious to look at and I DREAM!

My sweet SIL Christie LOVES to collect beautiful plates. While moving them from one show to another, oops, some get broken. I do feel bad for her but.....I do get to keep the plate! Sorry Christie.

One of our customers "Susan" surprised Christie with a box of goodies a couple of weeks ago. Thank you, Thank you I love all the plates. It will help me so much for my
"Five Times is a Charm"
soldering class on October 16th.

and DREAM.

Ciao for now Rita

Alitalia Airlines.

Some of you wanted to know how the travel experience and the missing luggage is going......7:30am the luggage was delivered! Yes....NOT
The luggage is pretty much damaged, not a big deal but....few items are missing. Gifts from Grandma. Here we go with the paperwork and the phone calls.
Ciao for now

Aug 19, 2010

Chateau de Fleurs
Studio and Vintage Market Place
September 17th and 18th, 2010
1524 S. Hill Ave.
Fallbrook, Ca. 92028

Can't believe we are almost there. Our third Chateau de Fleurs and more to come. We started in March with 13 vendors, then June with 22 and now 25! I believe there is no more room and we have hand picked each vendor with their unique style and one of a kind items. I did a collage of some of them that are also going to be featured and have been featured in the FB fan page. (check on the side bar for Chateau de Fleurs Fan Page).

In the Collage:

" Ivy Nest"- Toni and Linda
"Vintage Bling" - Lisa Loria
" Chateau Chic Boutique" - Missy Duffy
" The Cottage in the Garden" - Shirley Castellanos
" Under the sun with Me" - Sandra Lee
" The Furniture Queen" - Robin De Koning
" Two Wild Roses" - Jamie and Lori Martin
" Cottage Antiques" - Cordelia Mendoza
" Sweet Magnolias Farm" - Sara and Abbey Vanderwork

Thank you ladies for the photos.
Ciao for now Rita

Aug 18, 2010

Alan is back!

Two months in Sicily.

I am so happy to having back, but as usual the trip to LAX airport is a nightmare. 2 hours to get there.....park, remember where I parked. Wait and wait and wait, it took an hour for Alan to make it out of custom. And guess what? His suitcase is still in Rome. The who ever is in charge told him that his suitcase will ARRIVE tomorrow between 8pm and midnight. But where? We waited, asked, and walked from one office to another......They are so rude, I am sorry but they are and nobody would give us an answer. Well another hour goes by and these two guys come to the baggage claim area and confirm that the lagguage will be DELIVERED tomorrow. Where? Directly to the house....Thank you. Back in traffic, we are finally home. I love to travel and go back home but you know how many times I say I will never fly ALITALIA, too many. I took both of the boys home to Sicily when Raffaele was 6 months old and Alan 2 years old. 4 months earlier we made reservations and of course you can reserve a crib. Well, we get on the plane and there is no crib. Can you imagine 18 hours flight with a baby on your arms, you can't relax or sleep. I was so afraid of dropping him. They apologized and gave me a bottle of Champagne. Guess what I said, just guess....Had a great summer in Sicily.... Time to go home....the plane has to land in Milano, some problems with the plane. Oh please, stop, fix it, will wait. 5 HOURS in a waiting room, not planning for 5 extra hours of milk and diapers and no stroller, because is on the plain. I begged for some milk, " No signora Reade e' tutto chiuso" ( No Mrs. Reade, everything is closed). Che cavolo!
Thank you for letting me vent, I am going to enjoy my son, now. Seriously I think I am done with ALITALIA airlines. Ciao for now Rita

Aug 17, 2010

" The Cottage in the Garden"
Claire Brocato and The Attic Girl Nancy

I just received more photos of our wonderful show in San Diego at the Cottage in the Garden. Shirley's home is so inviting. I have been spending a couple of days in my yard yes it's a yard not a garden! I am trying to make it look like Shirley's , not possible. This garden is perfect in every details. I am not giving up on mine but I think I just have to go back to the Cottage in the Garden and enjoy it some more. Claire Brocato stopped by and if you don't know Claire, she makes magic with her camera and so generous with all of us.

Nancy from The Attic in Coronado stopped by and I was really in the mood to show off my NEW pantaloons and have Nancy take the photos. The pantaloons are made by Shirley, just for me. If you can't see them very well it seems that I wear my pantaloons every show I do. They are so comfortable and they make me slim and tall! llol So come on down to the Chateau de Fleurs in September. I will be wearing my pantaloons and also Shirley will be selling them too.

Talking about tall.....Nancy and I were joking around who is taller? Me or her. Here is the proof, Nancy is. I am still 4' 11".

Ciao for now