
Jul 22, 2011

White Walls?

I noticed that I am not that excited about the color of my walls lately. They were white and they have been yellow for a couple of years. I want to paint them white again? Should I do just this wall white and leave the rest Yellow? What do you think?

Ciao for now


  1. hi rita! for my home there is no question about white. i paint everything that i got in my hands. (even my daughter know this *smile*) ;0)
    i think it would look great.
    warm wishes and a great weekend! di

  2. It's only paint. Paint it white, see if it sits well and if not, paint it something else! I love paint... the cheapest way to make something new again!
    xo, A

  3. I kinda like the way they look right now...accent in white :}

  4. Amber is right! Paint it white and see if you like it! I have all white walls but wish they were a color!

  5. Do whatever you want, you can always change paint if you don't like it! Although that old world finish you have right now is pretty special! XO Christie

  6. I love my white walls! It is only paint and if you don't like it you can change it!! I think the green bottles would pop wonderfully against the white!


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