
Dec 17, 2012

"The Trip"

What a trip! We could call it a Vacation.....and somehow it was. I am grateful to have spent 4 days with my Deano.....24 hours x 4.
Deano works for CPR (California Porsche Restoration) and does all the pick ups and drop off of beautiful vintage Porsche. He drives all over the place. This is my first time joining him and I am glad I did. It was the perfect timing.
You see, it was a TRIP! 1,000 miles to get to Bend, Oregon and 1,000 mile to get back home all in 4 days.
Stopping only every 4 hours for gas and a bite to eat. I do appreciate my husband more and more. Timing is everything with his job. Customers are expecting their cars to be delivered at a certain time or picked up at a certain time. Almost all the photos that I took were taken from the truck while Dean was driving. Oregon is certainly a wonderful place to visit.....the cold not so much.
Day three we shopped....and since we could not buy anything in the antique stores that we visited in the area...we decided to find thrift stores and we had a blast!
Day four we headed home but half way home I had a chance to visit with a good friend for an hour. I will share it with you on another post. Enjoy the photos...

This photo was taken in the dark....

I am thinking of buying a cow....Dean and I already named her Carolina. I think she will be a great addition to the family

The trees had their winter coat beautiful

A winter wonderland for real!

Ciao for now



  1. Oh Rita .. My heart went pitty patter for the countryside .. Oregeon is a Beautiful Place.

    Such a wonderful trip you had .. a feast for the eyes.

    Makes me wanna go home to Missouri ..I miss seeing the open land, the beautiful skies and the old farms.

    Thanks for sharing ..

  2. Fabulous pic's
    can't wait to see the treasures you found along the way looked like
    so much FUN
    Love to you all

  3. I haven't been to Oregon in a very long day. Although I remember the days that we would vacation up there when my kids were in elementary school. Thank you for not only the great pictures, but bringing back my own memories as well!

    Take care,

  4. So Happy you had such a wonderful trip with your Deano! Photos are beautiful and I can't wait to see the treasures you found thrift shopping! XO Christie


"Sweet" it is to hear from you....