
Mar 7, 2013

What a beautiful mess!

It's raining! and you know what happens in my dining room when it rains?

A beautiful mess!

I decided to work on few solder bottles

While waiting for glue and gel and more glue to dry I started cleaning and organizing the cabinet that holds everything I need to solder and few more...pretty little things that make me smile.

I don't paint but I love brushes

What a beautiful mess!

to you.....

Ciao for now



French Country Cottage

Common Ground


  1. You always inspire me...time for some cleaning here.

  2. I love how you spend your rainy days dear Rita! You always make beautiful things from the treasures in your magic cupboard!
    It is such a perfectly chippy, shabby and everything I love cupboard!
    sending many hugs your way...

  3. Your old cupboard is fabulous as are the treasures within. I'm almost ready to start soldering a stained glass window I'm working on and I agree with you that it's a beautiful mess indeed!

  4. I love this glimpse into your creative space, Rita! That cupboard is perfectly aged and worn - it's gorgeous! Great photos, my friend. I would have loved to see you in California when Don was working at the Globe, but I never got out there! Darn it! I had to stay here and take care of Scout and the house. Leaving this old house in the winter is not a good idea - too many things to keep an eye on, like frozen pipes.


  5. You have a lot of beautiful things in that cabinet!! Lovely!!

  6. beautiful necklace!! And great rainy day inspiration!


"Sweet" it is to hear from you....